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14U Thunder Interest?

I am looking to see who would be interested in playing 14U Thunder. 

No Promises, but looking for honest interest. I want to know if my efforts will be worth it or not to try to start fresh with a Thunder 14U team. I am leaning a USA schedule which does make some girls eligible another year at 14s. If we do a USSSA tourney of any sort, we'd have to play up, and would do B in that age group League, State, and Nationals is USA. 


Coaches have already been decided:

All 3 have played for Thunder

  • Brooklyn Swanepoel (New Richmond)- UWEC

  • Lucy Mansell (St. Croix Central) - St. Kate's

  • Anya Weiler (Hudson) - Concordia Wisconsin will be an additional assistant next Summer when more available logistically


  • Both girls carry a long tenure of experience and have already had some coaching experience, are USA umpires also.

  • Both have played for Thunder and were recruited to college as Thunder players.

  • Brooklyn makes her own decisions offensively by reading the defense for both Club and HS, is a base coach when needed, and has called her own games pitching (has been pitching since 8 years old) and has played all 9 positions in her life time.

  • Lucy brings tremendous experience catching to the table. She has experience calling pitches as well. She has also played other positions like 1st base and OF. They work together very well.

  • Anya has also played at a high level for a long time at the club level and brings pitching, and additional infield experience 

Their added knowledge they will bring to the table from their college experiences this fall, will give that much more to what they already have to offer.

Candi will be helping with some training, and attend some games if possible. These girls will have guidance along the way, but are mature and capable of coaching this team. The schedule will just have to accommodate their college schedules. 

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